Watson Institute Education Centers
Program Description: The Education Center Programs Sewickley and South at the Watson Institute are approved private special education schools, licensed by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to serve children ages 3 to 21 with autism spectrum disorder, cerebral palsy, neurological impairments, and other developmental disabilities. The Education Center’s classrooms are staffed by a PA-certified special education teacher and two support professionals. A classroom team consists of a special education teacher, paraprofessionals, and related service professionals such as speech and language therapists, occupational and physical therapists, teachers of the visually impaired, social workers, behavior specialists, and a school nurse. Additionally, there are “special” classes: art, music, and adapted physical education.
The Watson Institute provides comprehensive special education transition services to our students with special needs as they prepare for their transition to adulthood. Our Community-Based Instruction program works with students to provide them with pre-vocational functional learning experiences in work-based settings. We partner with local businesses and organizations to teach transferable skills such as functional academics, community awareness, communication, personal management, safety, and career/vocational exploration. The Watson Institute helps children with special needs achieve their fullest potential in all aspects of their lives.
The Education Center at the Watson Institute and Leap Preschool
Sewickley, PA
Program Description: LEAP is an acronym for Learning Experiences: an Alternative Program for Preschoolers and Parents. This program reflects a naturalistic, inclusive developmental approach to teaching children with autism spectrum disorders in an early childhood environment. This approach focuses on enhancing the skills of children with autism through interaction and play with typically-developing peers. The LEAP model is one of the most extensively validated intervention programs in early childhood special education history.
Family involvement is essential for the success of the children who participate in the LEAP Preschool program. To help families better understand and reinforce the skills their child is learning, LEAP Preschool offers basic behavior management training for parents. This training provides parents with the necessary knowledge to teach their children new skills at home.
The goal of LEAP Preschool is for all children with special needs to reach their fullest potential so they are best able to benefit from the curriculum in their home school district. In the last five years, over 60% of children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder who attended LEAP Preschool entered the regular education setting in their home school district.
Edmond, OK
Program Description: Wings offers a multitude of programs for members including: Health & Fitness, Art Production, Technology Exploration, Transition Living, Culinary, Spreading our Wings (community outreach program where members volunteer in the spaces of our non-profit partners), Wings Serves OK (members serve the community by assembling emergency food and individual hygiene kits that benefit other local nonprofits), Community Outreach (members meet the needs of our non-profit partners through hygiene and cleaning kits, fleece blankets, plastic mats for the homeless, fidget blankets and more) chapel, social enterprise by preparing for events hosted by The Venue and Social Club.
CASA PACIFICA - Centers for Children & Families
Camarillo, CA
Program Description: The primary focus of Casa Pacifica Non-Public School (NPS) is on personalized academic and social emotional interventions to assist our youth in accessing their education. Staff works with all students to:
- Provide academic interventions
- Develop social emotional skills
- Promote skills to assist with building self-confidence
- Support positive character trait development
- Expand problem solving skills and strategies
- Promote and support students to a less restrictive educational environment
The Road to Success Academy (RTSA), developed and implemented by the Los Angeles County Office of Education’ is used by the NPS and features an interdisciplinary, project-based learning model focused on themes that address our students’ academic and social emotional needs. The on-site clinical team serves the social emotional needs of all students who receive individual counseling, group counseling, and case management.
The NPS uses a tiered education program where students select a tier based on their social emotional needs. Tier I distinguishes students who can and will do the required academics. Tier II recognizes students who can and might do the work, while Tier III identifies students who can’t and will not complete academic work. There is movement between tiers based on academic and social support required in the academic setting.
The Children's Guild
Baltimore, MD
Prince George's Campus, MD
Program Description: The Children’s Guild (TCG), founded in 1953, is a leading Mid-Atlantic nonprofit organization focused on helping students and families find success socially, emotionally, educationally, and developmentally through special education, school-based mental health services, treatment foster care, autism services, family mental and behavioral health services, and workforce development programs. Affiliates of The Children’s Guild include The Children's Guild School of Baltimore, The Children’s Guild DC Public Charter School, The Children's Guild School of Prince George’s County, Monarch Academy Glen Burnie, Monarch Global Academy Laurel, Monarch Academy Annapolis, Monarch Preschool College Park, The Children's Guild- Transformation Academy, The Outpatient Mental Health Clinic (OMHC), Treatment Foster Care, and TranZed Apprenticeships. For more information, visit https://childrensguild.org/.
Arrow Child & Family Ministries
Baltimore, MD
Bel Air, MD
Program Description: Arrow Center for Education Schools in Maryland provide special education opportunities for children who need an alternative to traditional public education. Our primary goal for all of our educational programs is to create an atmosphere where each student can reach his or her full potential academically, emotionally, and behaviorally. Located at three separately licensed schools, our schools serve more than half of the counties in Maryland, grade ranges from K to 12, and a wide variety of students, from those with autism, emotional needs, developmental delays, or complex trauma histories. In our small and nurturing environments, Arrow Center for Education Schools meet every child where they are as learners, academically, socially and functionally, we make change through defined best practice and the building of invaluable relationships. All of our efforts are focused on assisting the children we serve to realize their best potential by removing barriers, creating opportunities, building skills, and nourishing their individual gifts. To learn more, visit us at https://www.arrow.org, or call us at 410-882-9133.
Eden Autism Services
Princeton, NJ
Program Description: The mission of Eden Autism Services is to improve the lives of children and adults with autism and their families by providing a range of community-based services to meet specific needs throughout the lifespan. Eden Autism offers a twelve-month school program for 3 to 21 year-olds, both vocational and training opportunities and residential services for adults, and numerous other resources grounded in Applied Behavior Analysis. With a commitment to excellence in autism services, Eden has more than 40 years of clinical experience and success in educating individuals with autism and training family members, educators, and other professionals. Our work is nationally recognized and has been implemented in schools and other settings across the county.
Program Description: LifeScape Specialty Schools offers comprehensive and intensive educational services individualized to the unique learning style and needs of the student. Year-round educational services are offered from birth to age 21 within our early childhood, elementary, middle school, high school, and transition to adulthood specialized classrooms. Students with a range of intellectual, physical, medical, communication, and or behavioral needs receive interdisciplinary special education and related services utilizing research and evidence-based strategies.
The Cyzner Institute
Charlotte, NC
Program Description: Cyzner Institute is a private, accredited day school and therapeutic center for children and adolescents (pre-school through middle school/early high school) with autism as well as neurodevelopmental disorders and mental health/behavioral disorders. We have been serving families in the greater Charlotte area and throughout the Carolinas since 2003. Our differentiated learning environments combine education with layers of therapy customized to meet the special needs of every child and family that comes to us. Our multidisciplinary team employs best practice interventions including but not limited to Applied Behavioral Analysis, relationship-based, and sensory-based strategies and techniques which are integrated into our day school program and therapeutic milieu of services. This individualized approach encourages children with learning differences or developmental and behavioral needs to achieve a sense of self, well-being, and confidence while building essential skills for future social and educational success and independence. We embrace and teach children along the continuum of development so they can transition to healthy and fulfilling lives.
Phoenix, AZ
Program Description: Established in 1980 in Arizona, United States, ACCEL International is a pioneer in providing comprehensive instructional programming for individuals with developmental disabilities. In 2019, we expanded our mission to Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, to address the unique challenges faced by the local developmental disabilities community. Our innovative model integrates clinical and academic services under one roof, marking a first-of-its-kind initiative in Saudi Arabia. This holistic approach addresses the scarcity of specialized educational opportunities in the region and positively impacts the lives of individuals with disabilities and their families. ACCEL International pursued NCASES accreditation, emphasizing our dedication to delivering the highest quality special education programs. This accreditation process, guided by expert peer review and national best practice standards, has significantly improved our services. Through self-study and comprehensive site review, we have identified areas for improvement, demonstrating our commitment to continuous growth and ensuring the best possible educational experience for our students.
As the only private special education institution accredited by NCASES in Arizona and outside the United States, ACCEL International is recognized as a leader in the field. This accomplishment attests to our steadfast commitment to excellence in serving individuals with disabilities and assures stakeholders of the quality of our program.
Vista Life Innovations
Westbrook, CT
Program Description: Vista Life Innovations provides education, support, and resources to assist adults with disabilities in achieving personal success and belonging throughout their lives. The first phase, Vista’s Discover Program, begins at a college-like residential campus located in Westbrook CT. Vista’s educational model uses a community-based experiential model that fades reinforcements as independence develops. Layering in counseling-based support provides students with a trusted outlet when transitioning into a more independent life. Following graduation from the Discover Program, young adults at Vista settle into new, chosen independent-living situations along the Connecticut shoreline, becoming members of the Engage Program. Vista members live out their lives with work, quality of life activities, friendships and social supports. Vista’s long-term program, Thrive, offers an age-in-place model focusing on support rather than training, allowing the Vista members to be active and engaged for their lives.
Vista currently supports about 200 individuals. Vista’s rate of successful placement in employment for all members ready for employment is approximately 90%. Vista owns two thriving businesses that also employ both Vista members as well as the local community. Vista is a well-known community partner in the local shoreline community empowering all to create an environment of belonging.
New York Institute for Special Education
Bronx, NY
Program Description: The New York Institute was founded in 1831 to provide a quality education for students who are blind or have visual disabilities. The goal of providing an education that leads to independence has never changed. In 1986, the Institute changed it’s charter in order to provide a program for pre-school age students with developmental disabilities. The Schermerhorn Program serves students who are blind or have visual disabilities ages 5 to 21. The program follows the New York State Learning Standards leading to a high school diploma. In addition to academics the students are offered a variety of transition activities including internships in the community as well as enrollment in college classes. Occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech, counseling and orientation and mobility are provided. A five day a week residential program is offered. The day and residential students participate in a variety of extra-curricular activities: swimming, wrestling, cheerleading, blind soccer, goalball and track and field.
The Readiness Program is offered to pre-school children ages 3 to 5 who have development disabilities or visual disabilities. The program uses The Teaching Strategies curriculum and follows the strategies of the TEACCH approach. Related services are provided according to the IEP. Special events provide fun learning opportunities. The program has a strong parent component and involves the parents in training opportunities as well as offering support groups.
ScenicView Academy
Provo, UT
Program Description: ScenicView Academy is a non-profit transitional school for young adults with autism and other neurodiversities. They empower students with skills to transition into independent, productive, and fulfilling lives. ScenicView Academy is designed to build the autonomy, competence, and connections of young adults with neurodevelopmental differences. Students become part of a unique community that respects the challenges, strengths, and contributions of each individual while working to develop the skills, responsibility and relationships needed for individuals in a community to live, work, and thrive, together.
Benedictine School
Ridgley, MD
Program Description: The Benedictine School is a year round co-ed day and residential school for children ages 5-21 with intellectual disabilities, multiple disabilities, and autism. We are certified by The Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) for our education program and through Department of Human Services (DHS) for our residential program.
Benedictine provides an individualized and multi-disciplinary approach with regular communication and collaboration amongst all team members. Services are provided in a highly structured, highly supervised educational and residential setting. Our classes are small and our staff-student ratio is 1:3 or better. The large campus and variety of settings helps to enhance learning and progress for our students. Classrooms are large and specialized areas are available and include alternative learning rooms, therapeutic room, motor room, sensory areas, full size gymnasium, indoor pool, and accessible playground. Technology is emphasized in all settings and related services can include speech, occupational therapy, physical therapy, individual and group counseling, psychiatric, adapted physical education and aquatics, vocational, and transition services. On-site supports to assist students with behavior management and crisis intervention are integral parts of our program. And we are staffed with 24/7 nursing supports.
The mission of Benedictine is Supporting children and adults living with Intellectual and Developmental disabilities so they can achieve their greatest potential. Our core values of Dignity, Integrity, Collaboration, and Excellence are evident in all aspects of programming and in our highly qualified and dedicated staff. Benedictine is located within easy driving distance of Washington DC, Baltimore, Delaware and Philadelphia. We are on the Eastern Shore of Maryland with over 100 acres in rural Caroline County. Our campus includes educational, therapeutic, vocational, and residential settings which allow us to meet the needs of the students we serve.
Olive Crest Academy
Orange, CA
Program Description:
The Phoenix Center
Nutley, NJ
Program Description: The Phoenix Center is a dually accredited private receiving school, serving the educational, behavioral, and therapeutic needs of students ages 5-21 with autism, multiple behavioral and intellectual disabilities. Working in partnership with families and the community, we develop the potential of each student and provide customized, unique, and individualized programs that are aligned with the New Jersey Student Learning Standards. Promoting the development of the whole student, we care for and educate our students and graduates so that they may develop life-centered skills that will prepare them for life beyond the classroom. We empower each student to rise—like the ancient phoenix—above their disabilities to achieve new levels of success and happiness.
TPC’s core values:
- Each student is someone’s son/daughter, brother, sister, niece, nephew, and as such, will be treated with respect and dignity.
- We discover and focus on our students’ abilities, NOT their disabilities.
- We act with honesty and integrity in all situations.
- We live the principles of the FISH! Philosophy: choose your attitude, be present, play, and make someone’s day.
- We provide high-quality programs that are researched-based and designed to meet the individual needs of each student.
School Programs at Kennedy Krieger Institute
Baltimore, MD
Greenspring Campus, High School
Greenspring Campus, LEAP
Montgomery County Campus
Fairmount Campus
Program Description: Kennedy Krieger Institute is dedicated to serving individuals with neurological and developmental disabilities through inpatient hospital programs, outpatient clinics, home and community services, special education, and research. We serve over 27,000 unique patients, over 500 special education students from more than half of Maryland’s school districts, and host over 1000 professional trainees annually. Our nonpublic special education day schools are approved to implement each student’s individualized education program, with the goal of preparing students to lead fulfilling lives and be productive members of their communities. Students are referred to our schools by their local school systems. The five schools comprising Kennedy Krieger School Programs are leaders in providing model programs of innovative education for students ages 5 to 21 who have a wide range of learning, emotional, physical, neurological and developmental disabilities, including autism spectrum disorder. The school programs are approved by the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE), the Office of the State Superintendent (OSSE), the Student Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP) and are accredited by the National Commission for the Accreditation of Special Education Services (NCASES).
St. Coletta of Greater Washington
Washington, DC
Program Description: St. Coletta of Greater Washington is a premier educational institution dedicated to serving children and adults with intellectual disabilities and autism. Founded in 1959, the organization provides a compassionate and supportive environment, emphasizing individualized education and vocational training to promote independence and self-sufficiency. St. Coletta offers a comprehensive range of services, including a specialized K-12 charter school and an adult program focusing on community integration and life skills development. Their curriculum is designed to meet the unique needs of each student, incorporating therapeutic and academic support to foster holistic growth.
The institution prides itself on its innovative approach, utilizing the latest educational technologies and methodologies to enhance learning experiences. The dedicated staff, including special education teachers, therapists, and support personnel, work collaboratively to create a nurturing atmosphere that encourages personal achievement and social engagement.
St. Coletta's state-of-the-art facilities provide a safe and accessible environment, equipped with modern classrooms, therapy rooms, and vocational training spaces. The organization also emphasizes community involvement, partnering with local businesses and organizations to create opportunities for students and adults to participate in meaningful activities and employment. Through its commitment to excellence and inclusivity, St. Coletta of Greater Washington empowers individuals with disabilities to lead fulfilling and productive lives, making a lasting impact on the community.
Trousdale School
Cleveland, TN
Program Description: Trousdale School is a non-degree post-secondary program for adults, 22 years of age or older, with intellectual disabilities. Our goal is to work toward providing independence as students transition from high school to adulthood through the creation of an atmosphere of creative learning, encouragement, and education. Our curriculum, currently offered through a day program, includes functional academics, life skills and occupational development. Because we believe in nourishing the spirit as well as the mind, sports, creative arts and social events are also a vital part of Trousdale School.

Summitview Child & Family Services, Inc.
Placerville, CA www.summitviewtreatment.org
Program Description: Summitview is a nationally accredited, private, nonprofit organization licensed by the State of California to provide mental health services to adults, children and families. A variety of services are offered including outpatient mental health, wraparound, youth and adult residential treatment, therapeutic groups, community-based Wellness Centers, special education services as well as services for survivors of human trafficking. Although a variety of trauma related behaviors and mental health symptoms are treated, the youth residential program specializes in providing intensive services to adolescents who engage in self-harm behavior. In addition, Summitview operates an Adult Residential Facility providing treatment to adults with mental illnesses.
Our mission is to provide youth, adults and families with a foundation for healthy, lasting relationships by fostering positive changes within themselves through an environment of inclusion, compassion and support.
NCASES is a subsidiary of the National Association of Private Special Education Centers. To learn more about NAPSEC click here.